
Looking to cater your next event with delicious BBQ? Look no further than South Shore Smoke House! We offer a variety of options to make ordering easy and convenient for you.

You can request a quote online through our website by filling out our contact form, or simply call us at (954) 599-5925.

When submitting your order via our contact form, please ensure that you have provided the following information:

  • Your name (and business name, if applicable)
  • Email Address
  • Phone number
  • Delivery address or store pickup location
  • Preferred delivery or pickup date and time
  • Number of people to be served
  • Menu selection
  • Need for paper goods, serving utensils, drinks, or desserts
  • Payment information (credit card or cash/check upon delivery)

Please note that all website orders require a 72-hour notice and are not guaranteed until you receive confirmation from our catering team.

At South Shore Smoke House, we are committed to providing you with delicious BBQ that will make your event a success. So order today and let us take care of the rest!

**Order not good until it is confirmed

**Order Online (Form Below) or Call in your Order Now


catering menu photos

Smokey Pig Roast

Beef Brisket


charcuterie board

macaroni & Cheese

pig roast




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